South Sudan Scouts Association (SSSA) continues to experience slow membership growth over the years coupled with low retention rate of its existing members especially the Scouts. This, if not reversed threatens the very existence of Scouting in the country in the long run as a result of dwindling membership numbers.

Central to the growth and sustainability of any NSO is a relevant, vibrant and attractive programme for its members and a competent pool of adult volunteers offering support at all levels of the NSO. Contrary to this, SSSA currently lacks a responsive Youth Programme and a corresponding quality and supportive volunteers to oversee its implementation. This is due to the fact that the NSO has not been able to properly manage the Youth Programme cycle.

Through this project we seek to;

  • Review the current Youth Programme, to align it to the current needs and aspirations of the youth in South Sudan,

  • Conduct Basic Training for selected Scout Leaders to enable them effectively support the programme delivery,

Disseminate the developed programme widely across the NSO, strengthen systems and structures for better youth programme cycle management and to develop a membership management system to enable capturing of members data accurately.Through this project, a team of Youth Programme Developers will be trained to support Youth Programme development and Implementation process at all levels of South Sudan Scouts Association. Through the reviewed Youth Programme, relevant and attractive activities will be put in place, enabling more young people to enjoy the benefits of the Youth Programme and be active citizens by contributing to the positive transformation of their communities.

The Leaders whose capacity will have been developed through the Basic Leaders Training will be able to better manage the Youth Programme Cycle and implement the Youth Programme in their respective Scout groups enabling more Scouts to go through the badge system.

As a result, more young people will be attracted into Scouting through the shared experiences of their fellow youth in Scouting. This will lead to steady growth of membership in the movement thus contributing towards WOSM vision 2023.

Finally, core competencies of selected Scouts will be built in the area of leadership and Better World Framework enabling them to make a positive contribution in their troops and communities.

Youth Programme

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