young people participating in sessions
Tanzania scout association decided to invest in scout go solar program, where early this September they organizes the national youth forum and insure that young people get enough knowledge about scout for SDGs and become the best friends for the environment and advocate it to the community surrounding them.
during the national youth forum young people get an opportunity to learn theoretically and practically about scout go solar.
Tanzania scout association believes that Due to the impacts of climate change increasing at an alarming rate, sustainability has become a necessary action. With that being said, the internet is flooded with quotes on sustainable energy that emphasize the need for using cleaner and greener energy in the present scenario.
Adopting sustainable energy practices can help us get a step closer to building a renewable future. In this way, we can solve major energy crises such as oil shortages, fuel depletion, and many more, and save the planet from future crises for future generations.