In today's world, bullying have been a major problem among the youths.4 out of 10 children/youths face bullying almost everyday. It leads to serious health problems like mental trauma,depression, fear,suicidal thoughts,etc. 1out of 10 yoths commit suicide as they are unable to handle the effects of getting bullied. It is such an offence which is reducing the education and work statics of the youth. People are afraid are going to there work places. These are mostly common in countries like United States, Peru, Canada, Mexico, many European countries like Portugal, Spain,etc. We as a scout and as a responsible citizen should come forward and stop this violence. As by the 3rd part of the scout law "A scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout", we should help those youths who are bullied. There should be regular checking of places such as schools, institutions,offices,colonies,complex.Thus we should treat everyone equally and take one more step further for our moto "SCOUTS CREATING A BETTER WORLD".
Mental health
Youth Programme
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing

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