Whely scout journey
Hi, my name is Wheely Aji Pramuja
Here I will tell you about my experience in scouting, starting from elementary school to high school.
The first time I joined Scouts was when I was in elementary school, and that was the first camp I attended. At that time I also took part in a competition between organizers called LEVEL 2 COMPETITION, at that time it was really fun because I could meet many scouts from other schools.
Furthermore, when I was in junior high school, I became more diligent and active in joining scouts, because there would be a camp that gathered all the scouts in my entire area. When I was in junior high school I was new to the levels of scouting.
Furthermore, when I was in high school, I was happy to be able to join the scout organization at high school, because at that school there were lots of great people who were skilled in scouting. However, at the beginning of the year the scouting did not go well, because of the COVID-19 virus at that time. However, I did not give up, I continued to study scouting independently or autodidactically.
Now here I am, a crazy fanatic when it comes to scouting.
Thank You.
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