Viet Nam

What is clean energy

What is clean energy? Clean energy is a form of energy that in the process of doing work itself does not create harmful wastes that affect the surrounding environment. Usually, clean energy sources are available from nature or are the products of natural products, so they do not cause pollution and are less depleted. For example, water energy, wind energy, solar energy, etc. Clean energy is usually provided and produced from fossil energy (coal, oil, gas) and nuclear energy. Energy sources must be based on the use of clean energy conversion technology. Ensure environmental friendliness throughout the production process. At the same time, clean energy production sites must also ensure that the process complies with environmental protection regulations. What types of clean energy are there? Currently in the world, the clean energy industry is extremely developed. More and more types of clean energy are discovered and tested. Typically: Fuel cells, solar energy, wind, water, waste vegetable oil, snow energy, fermentation energy, geothermal energy, Methane Hydrate, etc. Solar Solar energy uses semiconductor panels to capture light and heat radiation from the Sun. It is then used to supply other equipment such as light bulbs, water heaters, electrical appliances, etc. Japan, the US and some Western European countries are the leading places in using energy sources. the sun (from the 50s of the last century). In our country, this technology is widely used in the Central Highlands and South Central provinces. Water power The use of water from rivers and streams is one of the most widely applied clean energy sources in our country. Hydroelectricity relies on the power of water in large rivers to turn turbines to generate electricity. In addition, the energy source from the ocean is also extremely rich. Waves and tides are used to spin turbines that generate electricity. The generated power can be used directly for equipment operating at sea. Such as lighthouses, buoys, wharfs, navigation systems, etc. Wind energy is considered the most abundant and abundant source of green energy today, it is present everywhere. People use wind power to turn turbines to generate electricity for use in life. Currently, in Vietnam, with favorable geographical conditions, the coastline is long, the wind volume is high and evenly distributed all year round. This will be a form of energy that is focused on developing in the present and in the future.
Clean Energy

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