Walk the World for Indigenous People

Walk the World for Indigenous People

Be an agent of change! In collaboration with Feeding Change Philippines, its #PartnershipsForTheGoals of Walk the World - Messengers of Peace - Philippines Initiative, we are proud to present you the MANGYAN COMMUNITY OUTREACH VOLUNTOUR PROGRAM. 

Beneficiaries are one of the indigenous people of Oriental Mindoro, the Iraya-Mangyans. 

Together, let’s achieve #ZeroHunger by donating food provisions, help them achieve #GoodHealthAndWellBeing by providing hygiene and medical supplies, and nourish them with #QualityEducation thru school supplies.

CONTACT US! DONATE NOW! Take part in this noble endeavor and be our partners in contributing in #CreatingABetterWorld

Financial assistance is prefered. Transportation of goods costs big going to the island, and to the mountains.

#BravoUno #Scouts #MessengersOfPeace #MessengersOfPeacePhilippines #MoP #MoPPh #WalkTheWorld #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDG #SDGs #Scouts4SDGs #SDG17 #SDG2 #SDG3 #SDG4 #Goal17 #Goal2 #Goal3 #Goal4

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Email: karlyelim1213@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +639178058378


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