Stay at Home – Online Meeting for Scouts by the Scouts (Kanagawa, Japan)
Led by the Rover Scouts of the 2nd Kamakura Scout Group and the 20th Fujisawa Scout Group, they have planned a special project for young scouts, with the "Scouting@Home" program.
The scouting activities have refrained as school is shut down since April due to the COVID-19 and scouts were under severe stress, because of being restricted to stay at home.
The Scouting@Home program was executed all remote online, and initially for Cub scouts. From May, a total of 9 online programs were conducted. Each program is about an hour long and given also an assignment to the participated scouts.
This is a project for Scouts by the Scouts.
(Reported on behalf of Kamakura 2 and Fujisawa 20)