The Singapore Scout Association Represented in TriColours by South Area at the MOE Uniformed Group Carnival

The Singapore Scout Association Represented in TriColours by South Area at the MOE Uniformed Group Carnival

At the recently concluded inaugural Ministry of Education Uniformed Groups' Carnival held from Friday 8 July to Sunday 10 July 2016 held in the Civic Square of Ngee Ann City a large shopping mall in Singapore, Beatty Beaver Scouts together with some of the most ardent South Area Scouts and Scout Leaders were out in force to show that Scouting is a truly life-changing and exciting uniformed group beyond compare. It is always the Leaders who set the example, ignite the passion, pass on the flames of the love for Scouting onto their Scouts who will then go on to inspire further generations of Scouts to come... So here in this photo, you see a Singapore Air Scout Leader, myself the normal Scout Leader in green grounded on earth and finally a Singapore Sea Scout Leader. It was a very interesting event organised by the Ministry of Education and it made you think what are modern parents thinking of honestly if they do not encourage their children to join Scouting when Scouting offers so many benefits for life.
Youth Programme
Personal safety

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