Scouts take action in saving natures at PWN 2021

On the first day of the Perkemahan Wirakarya Nasional (PWN) 2021, the participants carried out physical activities that are tree planting projects. The planting of tree seeds is carried out both at the Main camp Abdurrahman Sayotimusa, Sungai Gelam, and the five Subcamp villages in Batanghari Regency. The total number of seeds planted was 630 seeds in total. Those tree seeds that are planted are fruit tree seeds and Ketapang tree seeds. One of the goals of this planting is to avoid flooding which is quite high and fruit plants that are also useful for the community later as food. It is hoped that after the PWN activity in 2021 the participants can continue this tree planting activity.
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Programme
Environment and Sustainability

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