Scouts-Guide participate in Sakalp

Scouts-Guide participate in Sakalp

During the lockdown, Bharat Scout-Guide has started the 'Sakalp' program to motivate millions of girl students and youth across the country to work in the national interest! In this project, students are working on subjects like earth, environment, Kovid-19 and social distance etc. Under these projects, the students of Bharat Scout Guide Udhampur are progressively participating under the guidance of Scout Master Rakesh Sharma and Guide Captain Divyane Dewe! In this, students are calling their friends and close relatives to tell them about the symptoms and prevention of Kovid-19! By making various charts, students are making public aware through the right way of washing hands, organic horticulture etc. through a medium of socially operated medium - like Facebook, Twitter etc. District Secretary Balwan Singh has praised the works of all the students and motivated them to be prompt in the national interest!
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF
Good Governance

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