Road Side Class Room
Road Side Class Room, theme is " Left no child behind without being educated". Karachi is a cosmopolitan city of Pakistan with a population of more than 30 millions, and increasing on hourly basis. The edges of physical boundaries of this city expending rapidly. Migrants from other cities and villages are settling in the the soundings. Although, the governmental led literacy rate is about 79% but in actual thighs are different.
I, Syed Majid Ali a scout master, along with Mrs. Wajiha Syed a cub scout master (my wife) and Syed M. Mustafa & Syeda Meerb ( my children & cub Scouts) take up the mission to provide basic education to every child. There are many communities in which children are forced to work or do beggaring. We do study for a month in different communities and involved their elders in dialogue. Me, my wife and children visit them daily in the evening for an hour or so. My children play with their children and we two spend time to make their elders mind. We ensured them that our work will not harm their occupation and their children can continue working.
At last, a community of RANGARS (Vikings) allowed us to start our work. Their chief provided us his house roof top for the classroom. We arranged essential gadgets for a class room there.
Daily in the evening from 6 to 9 we hold classes in this community. We have provided them all the necessary education stuff, such as stationery, books, copies, color pencils, etc. We also do scouting activities with them.
After a months classes now the stakeholders of this community are admiring us and sending more & more children to our Road Side Class Roam project