Regional Growth Project
Through the regional Growth project, the Arab Region Focused on national adaptation and institutionalizing of the diverse areas of support and priorities such as youth Programs, Youth Empowerment, Adult in scouting, Safe from Harm, Good governance, resource management, partnerships, and scouting image through the service model building on the data and information submitted from the NSOs Around 25 services were being delivered by the regional office, focusing on supporting three GSAT services (Lebanon, UAE, Qatar) as the main framework to assess the NSOs' areas of development and potential. The regional aimed on addressing the mutual areas of development within the NSOs and supporting the adaptation of the policies and programs at all levels mainly at the youth empowerment, safe from harm, opportunities for growth, and promotion for Scouts4 SDGs and Risk and Crises Management. The region also focused on working with the operational framework teams to support the institutionalization and their exposure to the updated information, sharing experiences through the Regular Commissioners' meetings and regional sub-committees’ meetings Where NSOs become more exposed and engaged in the global and regional networks through the regional committee members and the commissioners’ regular meetings which provided great space for the NSOs to learn about new updates and provide inputs and share experiences The regional growth committee continued to study and assess the regional needs and provided their recommendation to better address the needs of the NSOs through a survey in addition to postponing the planned growth conference to next year to consider the conference priority at this stage. Moreover, Improve the NSOs' access to knowledge and resource, through the development of diverse resources and translation of existing resources Continue supporting the NSOs in accessing and updating their data through the different platforms and submitting their annual reports, moreover, the activation of the operational framework networks and regular sharing of data with the NSOs' leadership was reported as an improvement in accessing information. NSOs are actively accessing resources and engaged in diverse global opportunities with the availability of translating, More than 350 documents and resources were translated through the translation project, providing also an interpretation for around 100 sessions