Photography training for scouts
Convincing the community that scouting is the most attractive educational activity for young people with a positive social impact is the foundation of the communication strategy of the national scouting organization Tily Eto Madagasikara. Indissociable from this is the issue of images that show the many programs and activities that attract young people and meet the needs of today's society in order to achieve the sustainable development goals that we are committed to. This is why the Training Institute Tily Eto Madagasikara in collaboration with the volunteer photographers "Mi-tily Sary" organized a training session in photography this Saturday, November 12, 2022 to strengthen the skills of scouts who act in this field. The objective is to improve the quality of the message communicated by Scouting through photos used on documents and shared on the media and social networks. The 39 participants of the training were professionals and amateurs in photography from 8 Scouts districts: Analamanga afovoany, Analamanga Andrefana, Vakinankaratra Ambatolampy, Vakinankaratra Antsirabe, Amoron'i Mania, Matsiatra Ambony, Atsimo Atsinanana . They will be ready to cover national and international events such as the 19th Africa Scout Conference and the 10th Africa Youth Scout Forum to be held in Madagascar in 2025, there will also be the celebration of the centenary of Tily Eto Madagascar in 2024.