Outfit 657 in Action: WSEB Aim 1 Water Exploring
Outfit 657 of Don Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School takes action for the World Scout Environment Badge Aim 1, which is be a scout working towards a world where people and natural system have clean water and clean air. The Outfit 657 do the water exploring activity where they explore sources of clean water in their local environment. The activity started with a short discussion about where they might find water in their community. The boys identified some areas where they think they could find waters. They where then given the vicinity map of the So. Proper, Brgy. Kapitan Ramon. They where group by three and instructed use the map to located the area where they say they could find water. They need to mark the route they take on the map and mark the area where they have found water. They where also task to assess if the water they have found if the water is always there every day, if it is drinkable for human, if it is drinkable for animal, if it has an odor and what color is the water. They also took a picture of the water they have found for them to present it in group after the exploration. After the water exploration, the boys where process. they where ask some questions about the water they have found and what are the use of that water. They where also ask what will happens if the water disappear or if that source of water are already out of water. We have also discussed the importance of water in ecosystem, its important to plants and animals. Water Cycle was also discussed. The discussion ended by asking the scouts about what can they do to be more efficient with the use of water. The boys share their thoughts about it like they need to use only waters that they need, conserved water by making sure they have turned of the faucet if they are not using the water, encourage other people not to throw garbage on the creek and be a good example to the students in the school in conserving water.