Nepal Scout Creating History...
Arunima Troop/Crew and Beginners Open Crew joint effort has brought one of the awaited program of Nepal Scouts '6th Scouts Cross Country Race to an end. The program was supported by 526 particpants Rover Ranger Scouts, Boys Girls Scouts and Scout leaders of 45 different units from around 5 district (Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Dhading and Nuwakot) of Nepal.
The program was first organized on 8th March 2011 entitled 1st Scouts Cross Country Race with a theme "Scouts Run for Friendship and Fun" with two categories Boys Scout and Girls Scout Race. Even the program was a kind of Marathon Race the participants here could meet a lot of friends so they were suggested that winning is not important but participation is what it matters. This time Program Coordinator, Scouter Bikash Pudasaini with his organizing team decided to run 6th Scouts Cross Country Race with three Categories, Boys Scout-Girls Scout and Rover/Ranger.All the participants were provided with a Program t-shirt, certificate where as winners were awarded accordingly.
Boy Scout Category (7.5 km Race)
1st - Pasang Nyma Gurung from Seda Scout Troop ( Lalitpur) --32.44 Sec
2nd - Prabesh Dhungana from Seda Scout Troop ( Lalitpur) --33.09 Sec
3rd - Rajesh Shrestha from Uttar Bahini Scout Troop (Kathmandu) --34.12 Sec
Consollation - Sabin Maharjan from Anmol Jyoti Scout Troop (Kathmandu)-- 36.59
Smallest Boy who completed the race at first was also awarded a consolla tion prize as a matter of motivation- Amurta Chauhan of 10 years from Kathmandu Pragya Kunja Scout Troop
Girls Scout Category( 7.5km Race)
1st- Aanisha Gurung from Nilkantha Scout Troop, Dhading -- 40.19 Sec
2nd- Anjana Shrestha from Sishu Milan Scout Troop, Kathmandu-- 41.31 Sec
3rd- Monika Shrestha from Sishu Milan Scout Troop, Kathmandu --42.37.Sec
consollation- Sushma Oli from Gateway Scout Troop, Kathmandu -- 44.20
consollation prize as a matter of motivation- Ashma Shah of 10 years from Anmol Jyoti Scout Troop
Rover Ranger Category (8 km race)
1st- Sandeep Rajak from Youth Vision Open Crew, Kathmandu-- 42.24 sec
2nd-Saroj Kaiju from Adventure Nepal Open Crew, Bhaktapur-- 43.6 sec
3rd - Raj Kumar Thapa From National Open Scout Crew, Kathmandu-- 45.06 sec
Consollation awarded to a Ranger Scout for completing the race and competing with Rover Scout securing 5th position- Srijana Kathayat from Kumarigal Open Scout Unit. 53.02 sec.
Program was jointly inaugurated byExecutive principal Arunima Educational Foundation cum Arunima Scout Troop committee Chairman, Mr. Ishowri Prasad Lamichhane- Keshav Pd. Joshi- Campus Chief Arunima College cum Arunima Crew Committee Chairman followed by Commissioners from Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Central Development Region, Scouters from different units.
The Closing Ceremony was chaired by Chief guest- District Education Officer as well as Kathmandu District Scout Council Chairmand Mr. Jay Raj Achharya followed by Guest- Assistant District Education officer, Hem Raj Achharya, Ishowri Prasad Lamichhane- Executive principal Arunima Educational Foundation cum Arunima Scout Troop committee Chairman, Keshav Pd. Joshi- Campus Chief Arunima College cum Arunima Crew Committee Chairman , District Council Member from Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and Central Development Region, L Assistant Leader Trainer Mr. Guna Raj Pyakurel, Rover Leader and Ranger Leader of Arunima Crew, other scout leaders.
All the participants certificate were awarded by assistant district Education officer whereas token of Love was awarded to Sponsors of program by Keshav Pd. Joshi- Campus Chief Arunima College cum Arunima Crew Committee Chairman. Speeches was delivered by Kathmandu District council member Mr Suraj Khanal, Lalitpur District Council Member Mr BabuKaji Dangol and scout leader from Dhading focusing on importance of scouts and its need.
Appreciation letter awarded to all previous 5 race coordinators Mr. Kamal ChAndra Kafle for 1st Scouts Cross Country Race 2068, Ma. Muna Lama for 2nd race 2069, Mr, Ram Krishna Khadgi for 3rd race 2070, Ma Sabitri Tamang for 4th race 2071 and Mr. Janak Bdr. K. Magar for 5th race 2072 by Ishowri Prasad Lamichhane- Executive principal Arunima Educational Foundation cum Arunima Scout Troop committee Chairman, Keshav Pd. Joshi- Campus Chief.
And Finally winners were distributed medal by Chief guest Chief guest- District Education Officer, Mr. Jay Raj Achharya , Tika was provided by Mr. Ishowri Prasad Lamichhane and Wishes bestowed by Central Development Regional council member Mr. Suman Khadka. The winner of the logo competition who designed the logo of this year was announced Mr. Dinesh Tamang.
Ranger Scout Amita Rai the host of the program asked to provide vote of thanks from Program Director Mr. Kamal Chandra Kafle, Secretary of Arunima Scout Troop and close the program