National virtual scouts camp

Invasion of dreadful pandemic acted as a barrier and a greatest obstacle in operating scouting activity conventionally. However, the modern era which are bound with the aspect of modern technology favored to overcome the abandoned scouting activity such as scouts camp, now became operational. the indebtedness remains forever for the creator and the genius, who are much ahead to many ordinary humans. The virtual national scout camp recommended for both the scouts and enthusiast non scouts happened for the three consecutive days. The ever virtual camp engrossed thousands of scout members and non scouts from every nook and corner of the nation. the virtual camp vibrantly enriched many young minds, taking through various indispensable and life changing issues. The attendees were completely immerged in fun and joy. for the members, every moment were, the best moments ever. Each and every scout members were connected with rest of the members from different regions on single screen. they happily exchanged their smiles and greetings via virtual online video conferencing. The members sensed the twist in the camp, believing it was done conventionally in earlier days. though as it was not common and familiar for them, along with the challenges they faced, they managed to learn new and fun things ever learned. the virtual camp resembled as alien to many young doomed and remoter members, nevertheless the constant and steady impactful participation injected several skills and knowledges on so called technology rhythm. The three days scout camp incorporated several issues concerning the life of youth and how to cope with those issues meaningfully. The event made attendees to contribute rigorously pertaining to live quiz, online lottery and importantly during the feedback session. Members were able to acquire various digital tools and its usage with fun and excitements. in sequence they knew the determinants, demerits and merits for the digital usage. Towards the closing, members were overwhelmed and completely over driven by the three days virtual camping. after having asked to share their takeaways, a list of bulletin points coils from the attendees. however, the impermanence of event reminded and recall the tragic expression over the face of attendees. after all every moment was fun, lively and enriching event to be cherished eternity.

Communications and Scouting Profile
Youth Engagement

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