Liberia Scout Association celebrate the World Thinking Day.

Liberia Scout Association celebrate the World Thinking Day.

Happy Founder Day to all scouts around the world.

The Liberia Scout Association and the Liberia Girl Guides Association Collaborates to Host the 162nd Founder’s Day Celebration February 22-March 1st 2019. ___________________________________________      Ref: LSA/LGGA-WTD-20190222-1 The Liberia Scout Association and the Liberia Girl Guides Association of the Republic of Liberia will jointly host the 2019 Founder’s Day Celebration. The World Thinking Day is an occasion for Scouts and Guides around the world to remember that they are part of a worldwide Movement. It is the occasion to remind ourselves of the Promise that we (Scouts and Guides) have taken and reflect on what it is about Scouting that brings so many young people and adults together for the cause of creating a better World. Founder’s Day is celebrated on 22 February, to mark the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell (Born in 1857), the founder of Scouting, and coincidentally also of his wife Lady Olave Baden-Powell (Born in 1889). The global theme for this year’s celebration is How do you live your Scout Promise and Law? Founder’s Day is a day to celebrate not only our Founder’s Birthday, but also the founding values of Scouting—the glue that holds Scouting together across National Scout Organizations around the world.

Here are the photos of the day.

Legacy BWF
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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