Humanitarian Action Capacity Building Training
Scouts from various regions in Indonesia participated in the Humanitarian Action Capacity Building Training 2022 organized by the Kwarnas Pramuka and Asia-Pacific Regional Scouting Committee.
The activity, which is being held in combination offline and online, starts on Monday (17/10/2022) and is scheduled until Wednesday (19/10/2022). Offline training with delegates from each Regional Quarter in Indonesia was held at the Amoz Cozy Hotel, Jakarta and online participants followed from the Zoom Meeting.
GKR Mangkubumi, Chairman of the Community Service Commission attended the online Humanitarian Action Capacity Building Training, Monday (17/10/2022) and open this training, officially. On that occasion, GKR Mangkubumi read the remarks of the Chairperson of Kwarnas, Komjen Pol (Ret.) Drs. Budi Waseso.
According to Budi Waseso, members of the Scout Movement are part of the community. So that it is expected to be able to participate in disaster management efforts. Both in prevention, during a disaster by responding to a disaster emergency, and post-disaster.
The Scout Movement has formed a Scout Care Task Force, including the formation of Care Scout volunteers. But of course, the Scout volunteers need to be equipped with knowledge and skills about disaster emergency management.
"This is important so that the volunteers can actively participate with sufficient knowledge and skills in disaster management efforts," said the Budi Waseso in a speech read by GKR Mangkubumi.
Through this training activity, Gerakan Pramuka hopes that participants can develop a follow-up plan for humanitarian action, which will be implemented in the implementation of training and service in their respective Disaster Management Care Scout Units.
The Chairperson of Kwarnas hopes that all participants will really take this training seriously and try to gain as much knowledge as possible.
"Make this training an activity to gain knowledge and at the same time share knowledge for mutual progress," he asked.
At the end of his speech, Budi Waseso expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Asia-Pacific Regional Scouting for entrusting the Gerakan Pramuka as the organizer of this training.
In addition, the Budi Waseso also thanked all Kwarnas leaders, the organizing and implementing committee of this training, the facilitators, instructors from both Asia-Pacific Scouting and from within the country, as well as the participants who took part in this activity.