How to Protect the Environment in a Simple Way

Scout greetings ⚜️ As a great and responsible scout, of course you care about environmental cleanliness, right? 1. Environmental Cleanliness Environmental cleanliness has a very important and inseparable role in human life. Maintaining a clean environment means creating a healthy environment, free from dirt, such as dust, rubbish and unpleasant odors. With a healthy environment, we will not be easily attacked by various diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, vomiting and others. Not only in the health sector, environmental cleanliness also greatly influences the comfort, beauty and beauty of the environment which will ultimately lead to tranquility. We can achieve all this by taking small and simple actions, starting from keeping the environment around us clean. 2.Cara Menyiram Tanaman Yang Baik Have you ever experienced an incident where the plants in your house died even though you watered them regularly? It could be that we have the wrong rules when watering plants Some of us often have a mindset where the plants in our house must always be wet, or some even often water all parts of the plant during the day when the weather is hot. Actually, watering plants too often or watering plants in broad daylight when the weather is hot is not appropriate. Because this treatment is considered inefficient or just a waste of water. When is the Right Time to Water Plants? As explained, each plant has different needs. However, in general plants need lots of air from morning to late afternoon. Therefore, usually the best time to water plants is in the morning before the sun rises and in the afternoon when the sun starts to set. Watering in the morning is intended to prepare the plant for the photosynthesis process during the day, then watering in the afternoon aims to cool it down. Then why not water it during the day when the plant is photosynthesizing? If you water during the day (especially in summer), the heat and sunlight will cause the air to evaporate instead of being absorbed into the soil and roots. For the record, watering in the morning is actually better than watering in the afternoon. This is because plants that are watered in the morning have time to dry before the sun sets. On the other hand, if you water on a sick day, the air tends to settle in the soil, encouraging growth, fungal growth and also insects.
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