Harmful effects of single use plastics
Plastics can be defined as a integral part of our lives. This is because we use oplastics in various day to day lives. Be it from consuming water or disposing wastes , we rely on plastics.
But I would like to stress on single use plastics. Firstly single use plastics are the plastics which we dispose after using it. This lacks repeated usage of the plastic. For example the plastic straws and the packaging material used are single use plastics. We must try to recycle it , whereas have remained ineffective in doing so. The UN states that only 9% of the total plastic is being recycled.
The remaining plastic is dumped in the landfills and the oceans. This will inturn effect us. This is because it distruptes the ecological balance of the environment. The marine life consume the plastic, and break it into micro plastic and store them in their tissues. When we consume sea food , it enters our body , leading to accumulation of harmful non- biodegradable substances in our body. This leads to diseases or disorders.
When the plastic waste is dumped on land, it makes the land uncultivatable and needs high usage of chemicals. This will inturn effect the normal functionality of our bodies. All together harming the normal functioning of our bodies.
But reducing the usage of single use plastics can have a huge impact on the environment. This is because it leads to minimising the plastic requirements of various industries such as food and e-commerce. This will reduce the production of plastics as a whole.
Along with this we must switch to alternative methods to help reduce single use plastics. This includes using mugs made of steel or ceramics. Adopting biodegradable substances such as jute for fulfilling the requirements of the packaging industries.
This will help maintain the ecological balance of the environment while sustaining all our requirements.
I request all of you to adopt alternative and eco-friendly methods to reduce usage of single use plastics and help save ourselves and the environment.
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