Guimbala-on ES Troop 2773 Reorganization

This initiative is an annual troop activity to welcome all Boy Scout Aspirants into the fold of the world brotherhood of Scouting. I took inspiration from my experience being a young scout with my beloved Scout Master, Sctr. Stephen Silario, always made it a point to conduct this activity as a sign of goodwill to young boys who wants to make Scouting a part of their lives. This activity was approved by our institutional head, Sctr. Eulame G. Peralta, and was subsequently held in the covered school grounds of Guimbala-on Elementary School. The troop requested the assistance of the school's scout alumni - young men and women who were once part of our troop, to help facilitate registration, logistics, venue set-up, and provisions for food and ventilation. The organizing team ensured that the Boy Scout Aspirants were comfortable and at ease throughout the activity. Through this initiative, we were able to orient, empower, and equip 60 Boy Scout Aspirants with the basic skills and attitudes that are required of members. Their queries were also answered since the troop's Assistant Troop Leaders for Administration and Program were also present to answer queries that directly concerned their areas of jurisdiction. Overall, the initiative made a huge impact in the way we push for inclusivity among our aspirants thus motivating other boys to join our troop. The project has a huge value like any other initiative by the troop since this provides our Boy scout Aspirants a glimpse of what are the things they should be expecting - from the training down to their respective advancements; and the benefits they'll get from their participation in a wide range of activities all year long.
Communications and Scouting Profile
Youth Engagement

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