Fun and learning - I'm small but can make a difference
The cubs of 3rd Pinelands have learnt about the UNs sustainability goals- why they are important and how they can form part of the solution.
The cubs learnt about the goals in two major ways -
- We played the Sustainability goals board games and
- Played "puzzle hide and seek" - we printed A4 images of each of the goal icons - cut them in half hid one half, handed the second half to each cub and sent them out to find the matching piece. The race was on and lots of fun was had.
Through the games and discussions, the cubs learnt about why we have these goals and who the goals are for, the goals are for everyone. There are those who have the means to help and there are those who need to benefit from the help.
We created posters about what we learnt and share that with our social media page. Where over 1440 people saw our message!
One cub summed it up well - he referenced the Lorax in his poster:
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”