First Aid & CPR Course 2022
Basic first aid is an important knowledge and skill that one can learn. Saving a life is not only bringing a victim to the hospital. It involves all steps from the scene of incidence until the victim is attended by a doctor or medical professional. It is important that we learn this valuable knowledge as a preparation to serve our community better.
This course was organized by KLKM UKM and conducted by civil defence professionals from the Malaysia Civil Defence Force of the Hulu Langat District, Selangor. The course began with a first aid theory class, which includes topics such as Principles of First Aid, Bandaging and Airway Recovery. All Scouts then participated in a first aid practical session to learn further on bandaging and CPR.
Through this course, we were able to reflect on the importance of saving a life regardless of the victim's background. We embraced our Scout promise especially to help people at all times. We definitely had also equipped ourselves with an important skill that will prepare us for our future careers.
We would love to continue learning and polishing our first aid skills as well as to participate in an advance first aid course if the opportunity comes. As Scouts, the lives we value are not only ours, but the people around us. With this, we are able to serve our communities in the path of being a global citizen.