The Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Udhampur organised a program on the auspicious occasion of 7th International Yoga Day on 21st June 2021. All the Covid protocol were strictly followed , in which the first sitting position was strengthened, then in addition to asanas, exercises, micro exercises, difficult asanas were done in which Trikonasana, Ustrasana, Sirsasan, Mayurasana etc were also performed . On this occasion, Former District Commissioner, Ashok Kumar said that yoga makes the body and mind of a person healthy. Every citizen should do yoga daily to lead a healthy and stress free life and increase immunity. He gave stress on adopting Yoga as an integral part of lifestyle to improve health and spiritual and emotional health especially during COVID-19. Yoga is the traditional science of mind, consciousness and awareness. The visualization of health, well-being and universal peace is a conscious practice rooted in the principles of Ashtanga Yoga, namely Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Shakti Dubey, Principal of Amardeep High School told that one of the specialties of the day of June 21 is that it is the longest day of the year and continuous practice of yoga gives a long life to a person, hence the decision to celebrate this day as Yoga Day was done. At the same time, Former District Training Commissioner, Veena Sharma said that Yoga plays an important role in prevention of diseases, promotion of health and overall well-being of the individual. Scout Master Rakesh Sharma explained to Scout-Guides that Yoga is considered a symbol of ancient Indian art. Indians consider yoga important to maintain positivity and energy in life. The purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness among people about yoga and also to make people stress free. Scout Master Ved Kumar, Arun Kumar, Dr. Khemraj, Amit Kumar, Guide Captain Divyangna Dubey, Anuradha Sharma, Priyanka Sharma and Scout-Guides attended the program.