Celebrating Mother Language Day of Bangladesh 2023
21st February is International Mother Language Day, on this day the nation inspired by the spirit of language movement is inspired in independence movement and from independence movement gradually reaches independence movement. Basically Ekushe consciousness makes us successful in attaining freedom. So inspired by the spirit of language movement, I did the project. International Mother Language Day was celebrated in our college on 21st February. Respected teachers also, we sang the Bengali awakening song in the morning ferry of the college at 5 am and went to Shaheed Minar, on this day the mother tongue was established as the state language. The principal, teachers and students spoke about the significance. The project will affect the greatest gain of Bengali, the greatest glory, the achievement of our mother tongue Bengali. I think all people will benefit from celebrating International Mother Language Day. The people will be benefited, they will realize that thousands of years of Bengali tradition is alive. So twenty one is our pride - twenty one is our glory. Through the implementation of this project, we have realized that due to bloodshed and sacrifice, the beloved mother tongue has established Bengali as the national language. Therefore, inspired by the spirit of Ekush, let us make the sacrifice of the martyrs worthwhile, build Sonar Bangla.