Asia Pacific region messenger of peace day 4

Asia Pacific region messenger of peace day 4

Today was the last day of the Asia Pacific Regional Messenger of Peace on Sunday, 27 June 2021, today was a very important day, today we were given a lot of information and as usual in the breakout session, everyone was discussed in a group. After the said break out session was over, Messenger of Peace Heroes Awarded people from all countries described their work, while Rinku Tomar ji on behalf of India expressed his reactions and with this reaction of all, we are in the hearts of all the people. There was an excitement in me that why we can't and in the end we also decided that we too can get the Messenger of Heroes Award Finally Shri Madhusudan Alva, Shri Krishna Swamy, Shri Daley Karvela (RDC Committee) Messenger Office Discussion The committee ended this program with its speech. #hnqbsg #MessengerofPeaceHero #Scouts4SDGs #wagggsworld #SDGgoals #sdgs2030 #bsgindia #rajbsg #ItsTimeForAction #nhq #wosm #wagggs #MOP #asiaPacificregionalmessengerofpeace #massengerofpece
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