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APR Field Visit to TTL Bhutan Scout Troops

“Since the day we joined Scouting, our daily life has been changed.” [Thinley Dorji, TTL Scout from Bhutan Scouts Association.] This is one of the testimonies that the TTL visiting team heard while visiting the three TTL Scout Troops from Chukha Scout Troop of Bhutan Scouts Association from 23 to 24 September 2022. The primary objective of the field visit is to validate the existence and look at the development of the Scout Troops.

The team was met by key officials from Bhutan Scouts Association led by its Chief Commissioner, Mr. Tenzin Thinley, International Commissioner, Mr. Nawang Gyeltshen, and the National Ticket to Life Coordinator, Mr. Tashi Wangchuk. We also met the different school officials who are hosting the APR Ticket to Life Project. We were happy to meet the Unit Leaders looking after the Scout Troops who also joined the gathering.

The team visited Scouts a remote village of Chukha, where young people in conflict with the law are integrated with the general members of the Scout Troop. The Scouts value the discipline that Scouting teaches. They become self-confident as they feel that they belong.

The team also visited Scouts in Changangkha, where parents of Scouts with special needs expressed that there was a significant change in their children when joined Scouting. They are more sociable and not afraid in engaging with fellow Scouts. Teachers also observed that the motor skills of these children improved. A simple Scout salute makes difference in the development of these children’s motor skills.

The team also Genekha, where Scouts from difficult circumstances – most from broken families and single parents, welcomed the team with songs and dances. The Scouts and their Unit Leaders thank the Asia-Pacific Region for introducing Scouting in their school. Young people from this community appreciate Scouting because they feel they belong to a world-wide organization.

Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Diversity and inclusion
Peace and Community Engagement

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