358th Rover Scout Leader Basic Course

The motto of a rover is to serve someone or someone every day. Keeping this motto in mind, we rovers work as volunteers in any work. As volunteers for "358th RSL Basic Course" organized by Bangladesh Scout, Manikganj District Rover, we stay in the operational area of ​​the course and work as instructed by the instructors. We are always ready to help the volunteer tutors and trainees. And give them maximum support. About 27 teachers and 10 rover and 10 trainer join in this "358th RSL basic course" . After this course those 27 teachers became RSL of there college rover u nits . And we all gain knowledge about new new things about rovering . And our nation got 27 new expert RSL for our rover region. we learn a lot of things from this course . we get a chance to get closer to our 10 trainers and learn so many things about scouting .We concluded out so many doubts. and we meet new new parsons from different different districts. We got a experience to do a course like this .
Civic engagement
Better Choice
Skills for Life

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