South Africa

1st Durbanville Scouts: Champions for Nature 2023

Our scouts participated in the 2023 "Champions for Nature" Scout National Challenge. Each scout in the troop planted a Spekboom at the scout hall. They cared for their plants and we now have a beautiful Spekboom garden. These indigenous shrubs grow easily from cuttings and the scouts will grow more Spekboom shrubs from these and continue to care for the garden. No fewer than 42 scouts (out of our troop of 50 scouts) participated in a 4,25km hike during which they observed and recorded environmental challenges such as waste management services and practices; water and sanitation issues; evidence of animal activity as well as of biodiversity in local plant life. They discussed these challenges in their respective patrols and completed a detailed questionnaire. As they hiked through Durbanville to identify environmental challenges present in the community, the scouts were shocked at environmental challenges such as waste management services and practices and also at our local water and sanitation issues. They said that they had never paid attention to these issues before and realize that by making small changes like regularly picking up litter, they can contribute to improving our environment. They also felt that by planting indigenous gardens, the local community would contribute positively to our environment. Our scouts have taken it upon themselves to become role models for their respective friends and family members in terms of making a positive impact on the environment through responsible consumption, by making better choices and by developing sustainable habits and behaviours.
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Responsible consumption

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