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Nature Exploration Adventure

Learning Objectives

•    Discover the concept of engagement and "flow" in outdoor exploration.
•    Develop observation skills and appreciation for nature.
•    Foster a sense of belonging to a community through shared experiences.


-    Take all participants on a nature exploration adventure to a local park, nature reserve, or botanical garden. If it’s something in or near their community even better!
-    Encourage them to observe their surroundings closely, paying attention to details such as plants, animals, insects, and natural features.
-    Provide opportunities for hands-on exploration, such as collecting leaves, rocks, or flowers, and examining them closely.
-    Facilitate group activities that promote teamwork and cooperation, such as scavenger hunts or nature-based games. We encourage you to try to connect this activity with our Earth tribe challenges!
-    Make sure everyone finds something fun to do, whether is an activity or just chatting and walking around. 
-    Allow everyone to engage freely with their environment, following their interests and curiosity.
-    Create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where all participants feel connected to each other and to the natural world around them.


-    Gather them together after the nature exploration adventure.
-    Reflect on their experiences and observations during the outing.
-    Guide the conversation towards the concept of engagement and "flow" by asking questions such as:

  • What was your favourite part of our nature adventure?
  • Did you feel a sense of connection to nature while we were exploring?
  • How did it feel to be fully immersed in the natural environment?

-    Encourage them to share any discoveries or insights they gained during the outing.
-    Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of spending time outdoors, engaging with nature, and finding joy in exploration.
-    The connection with the activity needs to be that often our minds need to travel and disconnect so it can rest, nature is the perfect place to do it!


-    Nature exploration kit (magnifying glasses, binoculars, field guides, etc.)
-    Nature journal or sketchbook
-    Snacks and water bottles

Time needed

45 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above


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Time needed

45 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above
