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Get to know me

Learning Objectives

•    Develop listening and comprehension skills while engaging with others' stories.
•    Foster empathy and understanding by sharing personal experiences.
•    Practice effective communication and respectful listening within a group setting.


-    Have all Scouts sit in a circle and explain that they will take turns sharing stories about their lives or experiences.
-    Provide prompts or themes to guide the storytelling, such as "a memorable adventure" or "a time I helped someone".
-    Encourage active listening and respectful attention as each participant shares their story.
-    After each story, facilitate a brief discussion where other participants can ask questions or share their thoughts.
-    Conclude the activity with a group reflection on the importance of listening and sharing stories to build connections.
-    Since this activity is design for all age groups, encourage older participants to share more complex or personal stories, fostering deeper connections and understanding within the group.


-    Gather the participants together after the Storytelling Circle.
-    Reflect on their experiences and achievements during the activity.
-    Guide the conversation towards the concept of empathy and understanding by asking questions such as:

  • What was your favourite story that was shared during the storytelling circle?
  • Did any of the stories resonate with you personally? Why or why not?
  • How did listening to others' stories make you feel?

-    Encourage participants to share their favourite moments and discoveries about their friends from the activity.
-    Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of storytelling in building stronger connections with each other and how getting to know someone get you closer!


-    None are required

Time needed

30 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above


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Time needed

30 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above
