中山童軍團和平宣言 2024世界和平日活動
本次團集會的舉辦日期正好是國際和平日,希望能讓所有成員都能了解國際和平日的意義。 This Scouts group meeting is held on the International Day of Peace, and we hope that all members can understand the significance of the International Day of Peace.
我們先製作了今年度的和平宣言,在各分團說明和平宣言的內容,由童軍們選出想發表的內容,大家一起說出和平宣言,並將成果製作成影片,完成後再將影片與全校師生分享。 We first made this year's peace declaration, explained the content of the peace declaration to each one, and the Scouts selected the content they wanted to publish. Everyone said the peace declaration together, and made the result into a video. After completion, the video is shared with the whole school.
從本次活動中,童軍們學習了今年聯合國和平日的主題: 培育和平文化,並了解它的重要性。此外,童軍們也分別對資源共享,反霸凌,性別平等,友善對待他人等議題,做出和平宣言。 From this activity, the Scouts learned about the theme of this year’s United Nations Day of Peace: Cultivating a Culture of Peace and understood its importance. In addition, the Scouts also made peace declarations on issues such as resource sharing, anti-bullying, gender equality, and treating others kindly. https://youtu.be/mh3OqCMKMc0?si=sJ_01TkHtDf-tZHy