中華民國童軍2018和平使者計畫種子營 2018 Messengers of Peace Taiwan - Local Coordinators Training
世界童軍總部亞太區支援中心與我國童軍總會於107年6月1日至6月3日假新北市金山青年活動中心共同辦理2018和平使者種子研習營,共有來自我國、印度、韓國及澳門的參加人員及工作人員共41位伙伴一同參與。 金山青年活動中心卓進權總幹事、 童軍總會蘇德祥秘書長、連怡斌國際委員、張文鑫及林明貴副秘書長、和平使者聯絡人謝子健及陳彥文秘書皆親自出席開幕典禮。
和平使者計畫(Messengers of Peace,以下簡稱MoP)為世界童軍總部於各國童軍青少年活動的重點發展活動之一,希望藉由多元教育的模式讓更多的青少年尊重不同人種及宗教、改善貧窮、教育及基本生存資源的不平等、促進環境保護等,並借青年力量來渲染全世界,創造更美好的世界。世界童軍總部也鼓勵各國童軍積極將MoP與聯合國永續發展目標結合,使得全世界青少年皆有機會為世界盡一份心力。根據世界童軍總部網站統計,目前在全世界MoP已進行超過近1億小時的服務時數。
總統兼會長蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen也曾在去(106)年接見童軍代表時指出:「新世紀的童軍活動,除了注重個人的成長,也在國際人道關懷的面向上有越來 越亮眼的表現。近年來,世界童軍總部積極推動的『和平使者計畫』就是為鼓勵更多青少年,一起關注國際衝突、區域發展、環境保護及其他涉及社會 公平正義的議題。」
此次活動也感謝亞太區辦公室組織發展兼和平使者負責人S. Prassanna Shrivastava先生,韓國童軍總會和平使者聯絡人金琇娟伙伴、澳門童軍總會和平使者聯絡人李吉祥及鄧俊銘伙伴一起加入我們。也感謝金山青年活動中心提供我們美好的場地。
World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre and the Scouts of China (Taiwan) held the “Messengers of Peace Taiwan - Local Coordinators Training” at Jinshan Youth Activity Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Total 41 participants and staff from Taiwan, India, Korea and Macau have joined this event. The secretary general of Jinshan Youth Activity Center Mr. Cho Chin-Chuan, secretary general of the Scouts of China Mr Su Te-Hsian, international commissioner Dr Lian Ie-Bin, deputy secretary general Mr Lin Ming-Kui and Mr Chang Wen-Shing and the MoP Taiwan National Coordinator Mr Hsieh Tzu-Chien have attended the opening ceremony.
This training introduced the MoP Programme, MoP Support Fund, the MoP Guidelines and the MoP Network. We also provided the resources that they can spread out to the local scout group, to encourage them to act their MoP project no matter big or small from now.
A year before, the Chef Scout of Scouts of China - President Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that the MoP is a good project to encourage more young people to learn and understand about international conflicts, regional development, environmental protection and other issues about social justice. By the Local Coordinators Training, we hope more young people and scout leaders to connect their communities and make the social impact.
We appreciated the support from the World Scout Bureau Asia-Pacific Support Centre thru S. Prassanna Shrivastava along with NSO MoP coordinators, Kim Su Youn (Korea), Jacky Tang and Tobias Lee (Macau), also the scout leaders and rovers who assist this event.