元旦升旗典禮與社區服務National Flag Raising&Community Service

童軍夥伴及社區朋友齊聚一堂,藉由高唱國歌、仰望國旗的冉冉升起,現場氣氛高亢且有無限感動,對國家認同達到最高點。 活動後,所有人齊力打掃運動場及社區,進而提供民眾舒適乾淨的活動環境,更讓此活動更具有意義。 Scouts gathered to sing the national anthem and salute to the rising national flag, the atmosphere at the scene was high-pitched and the national identity reached the highest point. After the ceremony, scouts cleaned up the stadium and the community area to provide comfortable and clean environment for the public. This makes the New Year's Day flag-raising activity more meaningful.
該專案於112年1月1日在新北市中和區綜合運動場進行,歷時2小時,組織51名成人和49名各級童軍青少年共同參加,在元旦升旗之後,與會童軍青少年、成人領袖及家長同心齊力付出為社區服務。 The project was held on January 1, 2023 at the Zhonghe District Stadium in New Taipei City and lasted for 2 hours. This activity was organized 51 adults and 49 scout youths of all levels to participate. After the ceremony, the scout youth and adult leaders participated together with their parents worked together to serve the community by cleaning the environment.
新北市中和區綜合運動場提供中和國小師生及中和社區民眾一個廣大舒適的運動場所。來訪者受益於清潔的環境,心情分外愉悅,也將以同理心回饋,做出貢維護環境的貢獻。 The New Taipei City Stadium provides Zhonghe Elementary School students and Zhonghe community residents with a large and comfortable sports venue. Visitors are benefited from the cleanliness of environment to have joyful feelings, and will also contribute back by maintaining the environment.
透過元旦升旗典禮的氛圍,讓童軍青少年認知到對國家的重要性及提高應有的認同感。另外,藉由合力清潔社區環境整潔的過程,使童軍青少年體認到社區實況及需要民眾服務的地方,更讓童軍青少年感受服務社區的參與感及奉獻的歡愉。 Through the atmosphere of the National Flag Raising Ceremony on New Year's Day, Scout youths can recognize the importance of the country and enhance their sense of identity. Through the clean-up activity to the community environment, scout youths realize what public services are needed, and let the scout youths experience the joy of dedication by participating the community service.
Number of participants
Service hours
Scouts of China
Health lifestyles
Youth Engagement

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