Youth Leadership Trainings in Maldives

Community Based Scouting (CBS) is a fairly new area for Scouting in Maldives. Therefore, I was very motivated to create a concept for a training which has the potential to help the development of CBS in Maldives and implement it. Moreover, this is my first time venturing into the development of training programs. Therefore, I was very excited to take up the challenge.

The trainings are conducted under Capacity Building for Growth project funded by WSF. The purpose of the trainings were to empower young people with project management and leadership skills and show them the opportunities available to utilize these skills in scouting. Through the project, 3 Youth Leadership Trainings were held in 3 different areas of Maldives. This includes Male' City (11th to 16th May 2022), Kulhudhufushi City (23rd - 26th November) and R.Hulhudhuffaaru (22nd - 24th December).

More than 85 participants, 31 scouts and 54 non-scouts participated in the training. This is the first time, we had trainings which included non-scouts as well. The project imparted valuable leadership skills as well as project management skills to the participants whist increasing their understanding of scouting. A lot of the non-scout participants even expressed their interest to pursue scouting which has lead to different conversations with stakeholders on ways to provide scouting opportunities, especially through community based scouting, for these participants and the challenges there are for such opportunities. 

It was interesting to see the difference of dynamics surrounding different communities and showed me that there is more that needs to be done to introduce Community Based Scouting (CBS). Moreover, this was an eye opening experience on how to formulate and conduct a training and opportunities and ways we can further expand such leadership trainings.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Civic engagement

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