"Youth of Kyiv invites" 2015
26th September 2015 in the Central Park of Culture and Rest "Mariinsky Park" in Kyiv was held the traditional holiday "Youth of Kyiv invites" under the slogan "city of open people."National Organization of the Scouts of Ukraine acted as co-organizer of the event with the Kyiv city center of social services for families, children and youth.
The aim of the event is the presentation of free social services and adult education state and public institutions of Kyiv for children of vulnerable categories; promote healthy lifestyles and safe behavior, promoting Scouting among children and youth, involving children and young people in socially useful activities, forming active social position of families in Kyiv.
On that day "Mariinsky Park" has become a colorful, full of smiles and support and friendship city - "City of open people," whose inhabitants were more than three thousand people from Kiev and guests - students of secondary schools, students, youth, parents, representatives of educational institutions, Kyiv - families of internally displaced from Luhansk and Donetsk region., Crimea, demobilized members from war and their families, foster families.
Also we presented to people from Kyiv the "Messenger of peace" initiative.We wrote letters to soldiers, who are on the war now for supporting them.
We invite everyone joint efforts to create a city where everyone will be comfortable and cozy, where people do good things, give joy to each other, do everything for the sake of peace prevailed there. We aim to Kyiv became for all " city open for people."