You buy lunchbox and I donate!

You buy lunchbox and I donate!

Pan, You-Liang is a rover scout from Chunghwa County, Taiwan. From the last semester, he started to sell the lunchbox and donate 1 Taiwan dollar for each of the lunchbox he sold to Camillians Saint Mary’s Hospital Luodong. Pan said he was touched by the kindness of Camillians Saint Mary’s Hospital Luodong to those patients who couldn’t afford the medical fees; sometime they give free service for needy family. He started this action from last semester and hope people who bought his lunchbox can help his plan and share the warmness to the society. Peace starts with me and let’s become a messengers of paece. 潘宥良夥伴的築夢計畫 【羅東聖母醫院不以賺錢為目的,每五年會燒掉付不出醫藥費的窮人借據】 自上個學期開始,潘宥良夥伴發起了快閃便當行動,而每賣出一個便當,就會從收入捐出一塊錢給羅東聖母醫院。 來自彰化縣崇實高工羅浮童軍潘宥良夥伴在得知羅東聖母醫院的善行,立志也希望為社會做一點貢獻。宥良說他並不是要將買便當這樣的動作成為消費大家愛心的工具,僅是借助了大家的力量,完成宥良小小的夢想,希望每位享受他製作的便當的溫暖之餘,也能貢獻社會。 宥良也期盼大家,有什麼想法的時候,「做」就對了,有些事情不一定是要拿筆拿紙之後才能行動,希望大家化想法為行動。 和平從我開始,一起來成為和平使者吧!
Number of participants
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Scouts of China

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