" You And I" User-friendly sanitary napkins.
Dechheling Lower Secondary being located in a very rural settlement of eastern Bhutan, Menstruation remains one of the biggest taboo subjects. Although Menstruation is a natural phenomena, a number of factors such as; Social myth and stereotype, Lack of evident menstrual knowledge, Limited resources of sanitary facilities, And of all, the inevitable fact that almost 90% of the children belonging to economically deprived background is what it motivated me to plan and action out this project.
This project was implemented in Dechheling Lower Secondary School under Pemagatshel district. The project was kick-started by firstly underlining the pertaining issues amongst the children, on which "Menstruation" was very prominent. After the problem identification, I along with my club member we looked for alternative solutions. Then, we put heart and soul and Finally, on 28th May, we launched and distributed "You and I User-friendly Sanitary Napkins" to our girls.
The primary beneficiaries of this project are the female students of our school, specifically menstruating girls. Secondary beneficiaries are the teachers and male students. They were imparted with the basic knowledge on Menstruation Hygiene through presentation. The topics covered during presentation are: Secondary Growth, Menstruation Cycle and Menstrual Hygiene. Overall, whole community were benefited because the story of this project was shared through social media and even during PTM.
The execution of this project provided us with the entrepreneurship skills. We designed our own user-friendly sanitary napkins and distributed to our girls. This project also enabled us with the Team-Spirit, collaboration with different stakeholder ( student, Teacher, parents and communities) and it further bestowed us with the confidence and presentation skills. We have a plan to reach this project to a larger scale and reach out beyond our school settings.