World Water Day Challenge: Water Monitoring of Pirate's Lake

World Water Day Challenge: Water Monitoring of Pirate's Lake

In partnership with the United Nations World Water Day, 2014, and the EPA sponsored World Wide Water Monitoring Day, 2014, local cub scouts have taken EPA sponsored water quality monitoring kits to sample a local, community based, fresh-water source named Pirate's Lake. Coinciding with the test kits, the cub scouts test oxygen levels, turbidity, and other factors that aid in the determination of the chemical composition of this water body and it's safety as a source for swimming, fishing, boating, and other water related activities. By monitoring this water source, in addition to assessing the various wildlife dependent on it- they are able to determine the effect and potential future impact of contaminates to both humans and wildlife who utilize and/or depend on this water source. Using the scientific method, they will also have had created a deeper understanding of the importance of environmental sustainability -in terms of water quality - and create an action plan, if necessary, to ensure the safe continuity (as a potential, future Eagle Project) of this body of water as a clean and sustainable fresh water source- as they transition to Boy Scouts.
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme

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