Winter Youth Engagement-Futsal Tournament

Winter Youth Engagement-Futsal Tournament

2 days of Winter Futsal Tournament organised on 19th and 20th January 2019 by our volunteers as part of youth center’s youth engagement program aimed to bring together young people to spend their vacation meaningfully during their holidays concluded successfully today.
24 teams participated in this tournament,  majority of them being school going youths while few of them were Out of School Youth and few teams comprised of employed youths.  
The final was played between Tongshang FC vs Junior FC where winners up trophy was taken  by Junior FC. Along with the trophies, the cash prizes and certificate of merits have been awarded to both the teams who reached finals. Closing program was graced by Chief DEO as chief guest accompanied by Dy. CDEO of Paro Education sector.
We would like to express our humble gratitude and appreciation to Management and Administration of Paro College of Education for allowing us to use the mini pitch for free of cost. We also remain ever grateful to all the participating teams for your cooperation and support rendered in making our tournament a great success. Thank you

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement

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