White Washing of Khapandi Lhakhang (Phuentsholing)

Preserving our culture and heritage is the important things in our Buddhist country. To maintain longetivity and to maintain the spiritual site beautiful, I was inspired to do white washing of Kharpandi Lhakhang.
We had white washed the Kharpandi Lhawang which was few distance away from our college in phuentsholing. In order to do that firstly I had asked for volunteers in which there are 63 people turned up for the project. Then we all had discussed and done the project on our weekends.
Nearly 10,000 people living in and around the phuentsholing will benefits from this project. We had managed to beautify the view of Lhakhang. When the thing becomes beautiful, it attracts more people. Similarly, we had made Lhakhang surroundings beautiful and loving place where a visitors may felt like to visits place in phuentsholing.
Learning are as follows: 1. Teamwork is important 2. We must know about preservation of our cultural heritage. 3. Environment must be neat and clean throughout.
Number of participants
Service hours
Culture and heritage
Inner peace and spirituality
Youth Engagement
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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