Welcome to 8th Taipei City Scout Jamboree in July in Taipei, Taiwan
Scouts of China

Welcome to 8th Taipei City Scout Jamboree in July in Taipei, Taiwan

Welcome to attend the 8th Taipei City Scout Jamboree on 7-13 July 2014, in Taipei City, Taiwan. The purpose of the Jamboree is to celebrate the 130th anniversary of Taipei City and to promote scouting movement and international brotherhood. The Jamboree will be held inside Taipei city and there are 5 different sub-camps in schools nearby the CKS Memorial Hall in downtown Taipei. It will be a unique opportunity for your scouts to enjoy the friendship and hospitality of our scouts. There will be about 3000 participants and we would like to invite 120 scouts and leaders from overseas to join this Jamboree. The registration deadline is set on 31 May 2014. For further information, please see to enclosed Jamboree outlines. Welcome to join us. For information, please contact the Scouts of China (TAIWAN)
Scouts of China

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