We tried to make the world as beautiful as it has been(World Environment Day 2019)

We tried to make the world as beautiful as it has been(World Environment Day 2019)

we are the scouts of "UTTARA HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE SCOUT GROUP" which is situated in Bangladesh. we tried to make our environment clean and stop the climates change #sdg_13 by planting trees.by planting trees we can make a good and hygienic city. we also tried to make the air fresh by planting trees which is #sdg_15. ours unite leader and our school teachers and our principle also help us to complete our project. The scouts give hand notes and many leaflet to people to make their surroundings clean and our teachers and we gave speeches to our scout's members and other students. #we_are_scouts_the_messenger_of_peace posted by - Tanvir Hossain Mahir
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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