As we all know that the motto of Rovers and Rangers is "SERVICE". when we connect to this Voluntary Organisation as a member and we taking the scout promise , at that time we agree to obey all the Law, promise and rules of this organisation. As a human being and to follow our scout promise it's our duty to serve the society, help to others and support to our nation.
A project of 20 days. Water/Food distribution point was organised by the Bargaon ITI group of Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides at State Training Center Bargaon ITI. At the time of 2nd wave of COVID-19 our bargaon ITI group take a decision and step out for the needy people. There the rovers and rangers were distributed water, cord water,lunch packets to the needy people. Sanitized their hands. We distributed Double layer handmade masks. we distributed 20-25 lunch packets and 50 masks daily.
During this project so many needy peoples are beneficiated.and a good impact in the our sociey. because by this project we help to the needy peoples duing this 2nd wave of pandamic lockdown when all the markets, hotels are closed according to the govt. guidelines
Service to Mankind is service to God.....