Waste Collection from Community

"A prime national goal must be an environment that is pleasing to the senses and healthy to live in." -Lyndon B. Johnson The truly healthy environment is mother nature's gift but its the human who dismantle the pure and nature gifted ones. So to recover the damaged environment and to revitalize the untouched environment its our responsibility to make clean and healthy environment.

Team work and working in collaboration is key to connect world together for better change. So for the betterment of tomorrow its our responsibility to take care of our environment to sustain for our future generation. In this project our work were organize -School Scout Focal Person with School Health Coordinator to make our community clean with healthy one.
The wasted martials of others became income generating source to our School. We have collected 500kgs of wastes and segregated into plastics, bottles and degradable/Non-degradable ones. So we have sold those scraps to our local dealers and generated income . Now we school scout members became the owner of waste that were generated from our community.
After conducting this program others waste become our source of income generating Assets and now we are very mindful of dumping our waste to proper places.
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Better Choice
Clean Energy

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