The Scouting Movement is a voluntary non-political educational movement for young people, open to all without distinction of gender, origin, race or creed. Scouting offers young people the opportunity to develop their full emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible global citizens, and as members of their local, national and international communities. In Scouting, there is an international award recognised by World Organization of the Scout Movement namely as ‘Scout of the World Award’. It was developed to give " young people more opportunities to face the challenges of the future " as identified by the United Nations Millennium Declaration in 2000. The Scouts of the World Award was launched in order to encourage a stronger involvement of Senior and Rover Scouts (aged 15-26) in the development of society by making them more aware of the global issues concerning the world today. The Scouts of the World Award concerns global citizenship preparation for young adults and emphasises the three core themes environment, development and peace.
To complete our assignment in process to get the achievement "Scout of the World Award". Our team has planned to run a community service project at Jerangkang Tropical Forest, "Jerangkang Waterfall" Maran, Pahang. JERANGKANG TROPICAL FOREST It is located in Berkhelah Permanent Forest Reserve, about one and half hour from the main road (Kuantan-Maran) to the main entrance of Jerangkang Waterfall. This 43 stage of waterfall are very famous and well known among the nature lovers and the extreme sports enthusiasts starting from 2014. The forest that recently have been explored widely by the nature lover have their own uniqueness and the beauty. If we are talking about a new places and that place is located far away from the city center or from the villages. We can already imagine how the area is about, especially in the context of public utilities.
Therefore, our team has planned to build and improve some of the public utilities for the convenience of visitors who come to this attraction place. Between the facilities that we feel are very necessary to build and to improve at the Jerangkang Waterfall Maran Pahang is :-
- Build a New Toilet Facilities ~ To improve the enviromental hygiene from the sewage disposal
- Repair The Existing Toilet Facilities ~ To improve the enviromental hygiene from the sewage disposal
- Clean Water Source For Toilet ~ Make The Environment More Healthier For User
- Clean Water Source For Camping Site ~ Make The Environment More Healthier For User
- BBQ Special Places Set ~ To reduce open combustion on the ground
More or less, this project will give a convenient to the visitors and indirectly it help to increase the number of tourists to the Jerangkang Tropical Forest "Jerangkang Waterfall".