
Volunteers in vaccination

My inspirartion was to collaborate with the acceleration of the vaccination plan of the country to reach the largest number of vaccinees and to be able to reacgtivate the economy and the national activity.
The project was carried out in the city of Quito, Ecuador. We volunteered at the "Bicentennial Convention Center" in the north of the city and ran it for 8 hours collaborating with the health and military service to facilitate the entry of people to the site, as well as to enter data into the general system at the national level.
About 5 million people who were able to access their dose of the vaccine benefited. It had a big impact on the community where the vaccination point is located, but there were also several beneficiaries from the south of the city and other cities of the country. This is because it was a fairly accessible central point for those who could not go to other points in the city or even in the country.
During this volunteering I have learned to empathize with people we do not know the context behind their attitudes and we can not be disrespectful despite the circumstances. In addition, it is very important to work as a team with all the helpers of the center to have better communication. If I could do better, I would try to set up the tasks of each participant better so that I would not have problems during the working day.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Diversity and inclusion
Humanitarian action
Peace and Community Engagement

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