Volunteering effects on happiness ⚜️

The exampleary leaders whom we can look up to has set a very beautiful culture of taking such initiatives has inspired me to take such action. In order to keep such a treasurable culture alive and to promote scouting in our community I as a youth leader felt the need to take this action. .
The program was held at Punakha moelamchenmo where thousand's of people gathered to receive blessings from je khenpo. The program started from 3rd December till 9 December where 10 scouts from our community volunteered to render their service on serving meals to people gathered there. We also rendered our service in helping red cross society in keeping the area clean.
Almost around 2000 people benefited from this initiatives taken by us. It has made the people out there mentally and emotionally devoted toward scouts . And also there stay in there for 1 week was made peaceful and The mind of the people were connected to reality of the world
Having initiatited the program I have learned a lot about such programs and it' has also helped me to improve my communication skills and behavior. And my love and care for old people has improved a lot. More over I was able to know the value of dharma at a very young age which was part of my success.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Culture and heritage
Inner peace and spirituality
Global Support Assessment Tool
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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