Volunteer at Chari monastery at times of Renovation.
With the passing out of fresh LT graduates, the Scouts wanted to undertake a new project that would be of great help to the community. A local monastery called Cheri was undergoing renovation and the workers could have used some help. Considering the fact that the monastery had no paved motor roads and was located pretty far from the highway the scouts were determined to lend a helping hand in the transportation of items required at the construction site.
The main work of Scouts was to help in the transportation of items required for the renovation from the highway towards Cheri monastery. however after reaching the venue the scouts noticed that the area could have used a bit of cleaning along with some organization of materials because the area was very disorganized due to the renovation of the monastery taking place. Therefore the scouts took the initiative to not only clean but also to white wash the walls of the monastery.
The renovation of the monastery was to provide a better shelter and ritual halls for more than thirty monks reciting at the monastery. This project also benefited both the domestic as well as the international tourists and the locals who visits the monastery as the route is now much easier to travel and the area much more inviting, providing spiritual wellbeing to the visitors as well as the reciters.
The Scouts gained many new experiences from the project, such as knowing the procedures to white wash walls, discard wastes generated from construction and also the basics of construction. The project not only made the scouts physically strong but also gave them spiritual and mental peace. At the end of the day though tired the scouts felt blessed due to their provision of service at such an auspicious shrine