Voluntary work at Buddha Point

Scouts of Khasadrapchu Middle Secondary School felt the need to contribute voluntary work at Buddha Point, where religious oral transmission by His Holiness Je Khenppo (the spiritual abbot) was going on for the duration of a month. At the site, the area needs attention to make it neat and clean for all followers (devotees) and for those who are getting blessings from His Holiness.
34 Scout members and two Scout leaders took part in a day of voluntary work at Buddha Point, Thimphu District, Bhutan. The team took off at 6:00 AM in the morning and reached the site after an hour. The team started off the day's work with cleaning the kitchen, picking up garbage, reaching vegetables, and serving meals to the devotees, guests, and others who came to the site to perform voluntary work. The day concluded with the blessing from His Holiness, and we returned home at 5:00 PM.
The devotees' space at the site was kept tidy and clean. The kitchen, where the cooks were made to feel secure while carrying out their responsibilities, was where the biggest contribution was made. The quality of the work we did impressed the coordinators. The general population believed that scouts did fantastic job and created an environment where all devotees may receive blessings from His Holiness, the Bhutanese spiritual abbot.
The scouts gained valuable experience and felt fulfilled after performing unanticipated community service. We were happily tired, and we kept it for the good work carried out for the benefit of the people.
Number of participants
Service hours
Culture and heritage
Inner peace and spirituality
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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